Welcome to Christ Embassy Southampton

1. The April 2024 Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris holds on Sunday 7th April 2024. We will be watching and participating Live from our Church venue starting at 3:00PM. 2. The next Unending Praise session for Norwood Group holds on Saturday 6. th April 2024 from 10:00AM to 12:00PM. 3. Our Highly Esteemed Group Pastor- Pastor Ola Isola will be worshipping with us next Sunday 7th April 2024 for Child Dedication. The 1st of its kind Zonal Youth Conference themed ABLAZE holds on Saturday, 6th April 2024 from 1:00PM at the Zonal Church. Please make sure you register for this life changing event. 5. All Cell Leaders and Bible Study Class Teachers are to kindly join their weekly Prayer and Training meeting every Sunday at 9:00PM. 6. Kindly visit PCDL for the Message of the week. The book of the month is Your Rights in Christ. 7. Atmosphere for Miracles with Pastor Chris holds on Tuesday & Thursday at 8:00PM on LWUK. 9. Recruitment into Q2 Foundation School is ongoing, also for those wanting to get Water Baptized also meet the PCD rep to put down your names. 10.Please send in your testimonies and prayer requests to the church email address- admin@christembassysouthampton.com. 12.Evangelism holds every Saturday at 12:00PM.

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The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.




The Foundation School is a place where you’re taught the basic doctrines of Christ and equipped


Children are precious, that’s why we create a safe, secure and holistically spiritual environment where the Children are taught God’s word.

Church Departments

The church departments is a very important department in the church where you actually carry out your act of worship in serving God.


This is the smallest unit of the church assigned to Cell leaders for discipling members.



ongoing Unending Praise Recent pcis and videos


Unending Praise

The Pastor Chris Live Unending Praise, is al year long, round-the-clock chain of unending praise and worship to the Lord, with Spirit filled songs from Loveworld. Join the praise, which runs in blocks of 30min every single hour of every day for the whole year.

pictures from recent Unending praise sections

The Pastor Chris Live Unending Praise, is al year long, round-the-clock chain of unending praise and worship to the Lord, with Spirit filled songs from Loveworld. Join the praise, which runs in blocks of 30min every single hour of every day for the whole year.




sister : Healed of deaf ear and pain in the knee.

Healed during the Healing Streams Live Healing Service with our Man of God Pastor Chris Oykhiome.

sister Tiddy: 

Healed during the Healing Streams Live Healing Service with our Man of God Pastor Chris Oykhiome.

Pastor Chris books Library